So you installed CCM, but was planning on configuring it later on. In the mean time, you notice that the search doesn’t index and that the recommendations widget is not working.

This actually happened to me, while running into some unexpected issues while configuring CCM so it took way longer than expected. It’s nice to offer your eager testers at least a partially working system ….

The problem is that by installing CCM, the search indexer is instructed to go and index the files in FileNet. But if you haven’t configured CCM yet, the search indexer hangs and will never finish indexing.

The solution is to modify the indexing tasks, by taking out “ecm_files”

Do a one-off index

Go to the Dmgr’s bin directory and start up wsadmin :

cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/bin  
./ -lang jython                                               

(You may need to select a server if you have multiple search nodes now)

SearchService.indexNow("activities, blogs, calendar, communities, dogear, files, forums, profiles, status_updates, wikis")  

Change the Indexing Schedule

Still in the wsadmin prompt, list the default tasks. It’s pretty easy to recreate these once you’re done and once CCM is configured properly.

print SearchService.listTasks()  
File Content Retrieval Task Name: 20min-file-retrieval-task, Schedule: 0 1/20 0,2-23 \* \* ?, Start-By Schedule: 0 10/20 0,2-23 \* \* ?, Services all_configured , Failures-Only Flag false , Enabled false_  
Indexing Task name: 15min-search-indexing-task, Schedule: 0 1/15 0,2-23 \* \* ?, Start-By Schedule: 0 10/15 0,2-23 \* \* ?, Services: all_configured , Optimize false , Enabled false_  
Optimize Task Name: nightly-optimize-task, Schedule: 0 30 1 \* \* ? ,Start-By Schedule: 0 35 1 \* \* ?, Enabled false_  
Social And Network Analysis Task Name: nightly-sand-task, Schedule: 0 0 1 \* \* ?, Start-By Schedule: 0 5 1 \* \* ? , SAND Indexers: evidence,graph,manageremployees,tags,taggedby,communitymembership, Enabled falseNone_  

Delete the 20min-file-retrieval-task:


Delete the 15min-search-indexing-task:


Recreate the 20min, 15 min tasks - but without ecm_files (actually, create a task for indexing that runs every 5 minutes):

SearchService.addFileContentTask("20min-tom-bosmans-file", "0 1/20 0,2-23 \* \* ?", "0 10/20 0,2-23 \* \* ?", "files,wikis", "false")_  
SearchService.addIndexingTask("5min-tom-bosmans-index", "0 1/5 0,2-23 \* \* ?", "0 10/15 0,2-23 \* \* ?", "activities,blogs,calendar,communities,dogear,files,forums,profiles,status_updates,wikis", "false")_  

Exit the wsadmin prompt, and watch your Connections system come back to life.